The study was conducted basically to find out the effect of physical education programmes on the well-being of secondary school students in Otta Local Government Area of Ogun State. The population for this study consisted of male and female students in three selected secondary schools in Otta Local Government Area of Ogun State. Two hundred secondary school students were served with questionnaire forms to elicit responses on information about influence of physical exercise and well-being, influence of tourism and well-being, influence of engaging in sports and well-being, influence of recreation and well-being, and influence of gymnastic activities and well-being. Data obtained were analysed using frequency counts, percentage scores and chi-square (x2) method of data analysis. The findings revealed that physical exercises contribute to the well-being of every secondary school students. It also revealed that engaging in sporting activities will improve the well-being of secondary school students. It is recommended that physical education programmes should be intensive enough to have effects on secondary school students. Also, teachers or physical educators should educate students on the effect of physical education programmes and the effects it has on their health.